Tuesday 4 January 2011


New Year, New Start, New Resolotions....

Its only day 3 and i'm already panicking about the rest of my year. I have to decide whether to go to Uni or not, move out, Get a "proper" job and some experience in screen acting... not to mention go to the gym, tone up, loose weight, get healthy blah blah..

It will be my third year since leaving College this summer and im not sure if i like the idea of that. I had my life planned out.. i was to go travel the world then come home and go to Cambridge for Drama at univeristy.. however things change, i changed.

So my new years resolotions are...

  • sort out my life
  • get noticed and ..become famous..
  • loose weight ( of course)
  • Be happy.... now.. im a happy person all in all but i think sometimes i let things get me down unnecessarily as most girls my age do
  • Get a full time job which i enjoy
  • Move out the family home
SO.. Happy 2011. Hope it brings you all that you want from it

Monday 29 November 2010


I honestly think lesbians have it a lot easier sometimes.. Guys can be so hard to read.

I don't see why they think us women are confusing.. we tell them how we feel and what we want, where men seem to act like they don't care.. then when you do something they don't like they get really upset.. but how are you meant to know.. if they said they don't care?

this all makes perfect sense to me..

On other news.. i am going to be a ninja. I am also telepathic.. mmm...

My eyes change colour from Brown to green.. and hazel... is that normal?

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Diet day three.

So since Monday i have been on a diet. story of my life. Im happy to say i have lost 4 pounds.
only another 24 to go..

update- lost 8lbs :)

Thursday 11 November 2010

stupid Insomnia/coffee.. i want to sleeeeep

I am so tired... i just want to sleeeeep. damn that late night coffee.
its 2 40am. ish.. my eyes ache, my tummy started rumbling and i have huge cravings for chocolateeeee haha just go to sleep brain.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Jessica and her rucksack. AUSTRALIA 2

So after the amazing time sailing around the Whitsundays i spent a few days in Airlie beach with the Clipper group. I love Airlie, its so beautiful. Alice and i spent most our time at the lagoon sunbathing and attempting to learn how to do kick-ups.. i still fail at that :(
I met up again with Sinead and Paul again and got a coach down to Agnes Water/1770.  It was a night coach so the 9 hour journey went a bit quicker. 
1770 is tiny and not really that interesting if i'm honest.. the reason we decided to go there was for the legendary Scooter ROO. and thank god we did it was so' much fun!!! I didn't even reverse it in to a shop or anything ;~)
We wore biker jackets and huge helmets and created a convoy. Driving all around Agnes waters. It was such a great day. Not much else to say about 1770, we spent the other night watching films and gorging ourselves on chocolate.. which is always nice. I'll show you just how ridiculous we looked..

After 1770 paul and i got a coach down to Rainbow Beach ready for our fraser island trip. I was so excited for this as i have been driving 4x4 trucks since i was about 17 haa. My dad had a few army trucks and we have always had great fun driving around the country and going off road in them. The fraser island tour is basically a camping trip where a group of 30/40 create a convoy of trucks and drive around the beaches on the island and camp for a few nights as well. We met up with Harriet, Chris, Matt and Dawn again. You don't realise how nice it is to see a familiar face after such a long time of travelling alone and meeting different people everywhere you go. You get really close with people quickly, they become your family and to see those people again was really comforting.
I loved it!!! Camping in this beautiful island with the dingos and the spiders was amazing!! At this point my ankle is still swollen and throbbing and i think at this time im starting to regret not going to a doctor about it.. but what can i do about it in the middle of nowhere! The evenings where unreal. We would cook some dinner on mini stoves play some drinking games, get nice and warm with goon and then walk down to the beach. I really regret taking my camera to the beach.. i got drunk one night and fell over landing on my camera lense down into the sand.. broken :( no more pictures of the fraser island trip from then on. I was gutted but at least all the other guys i was with where taking lots of pictures. In the days we drove around the beaches stopping at different lagoons and viewpoints. A few things we saw on the drive really shocked me. There was a huge turtle washed up on the shore which had had a huge chunk bitten out of it from a shark. There where also some beautifully bright jellyfish as well as a killer sea snake.. I got a little too close thinking it was dead.. turns out if it had bitten me..i would have died in seconds.. crazy thought..

Once we got back to the mainland (Rainbow Beach) we all went out in the evenings together around to the local pubs.. which where.. interesting. We got chucked out the first one so went back to Our hostel to play some table tennis
- not to self.. i should totally take up table tennis as a career.
I had taken my shoes off, as most travellers end up doing.. * you get so used to going everywhere bear foot it really is strange when you need to put shoes on let alone socks.. :S* I stood on a huge chunk of glass and sliced my foot open.. Im not one for getting squirmy about blood or anything but it was really disguising, like a horror movie i left blood footprints on the floor..i could actually feel the blood pulsing out my foot. I still one at table tennis though.. little proud of myself ;)

Im really glad our little family decided to carry on travelling together. We all got a coach down to noosa and stayed in a really sweet apartment. It was like friends... it was great, all living together, cooking together. It was really nice. We went to the cinema and saw Toystory 3d.. second time i had seen it so i didnt mind too much when i fell fast asleep. Cinemas in Australia are great! the seats are so comfortable! We also went out on a little day trip to the world famous Steve Irwin Zoo. It was such a great day, saw loads of animals, although it was a little strange seeing them behind cages when i was used to just seeing them roaming free in thailand/indonesia. Its sad to see them like that.. 

After noosa we split, which was really sad.. but i knew i would be seeing them again pretty soon!! Paul and I went to Surfers paradise and they met us there a few days later. Surfers paradise.. is really quite american. Skyscrapers all along one long beach. The highlight of our time there had to be when we all dressed up as Neon Geeks and went clubbing.. who knows why we did it.. but we did.. and we did it well.

From surfers we then went down to Byron Bay. My favourite place in australia by far. i loved it there!!! The night life was great at cheeky monkeys, the days where so much fun hiring bikes and cycling around. I even managed to find a doctor forking out a ridiculously expensive $70, took some blood and decided i was anaemic, i had an infection on my tongue from not eating properly, and i had torn a few ligaments in my ankle. GREAT. 
One of my favourite days in byron would be when we went on the trip to Nimbin, where you basically buy weed and Cookies.. i opted for cookies.. slightly stupid of me.. they recommend half a cookie because they where strong but i had the half and decided i was being fucked with as nothing happened.. so i had three more and tripped out on the bus journey home. I was convinced Harriet was trying to kill me, her eyes where popping out of her head and she could read my thoughts.. but other than that it was a great day! we saw some beautiful waterfalls and forests. 

So after around a week in Byron Bay we all went our separate ways. I was so sad saying goodbye to everyone, we had become a family and had all gotten really close. 

I got a coach up to Brisbane and spent one night there before getting a plane to fiji!


It's that time of year, when i have to start learning audition pieces and carting myself off around the country to try my hardest to get in somewhere. So tiring...

I decided to do Alison from look back in anger and Phebe from As You Like It. Both really contrasting pieces and i'm happy with the emotional roller-coaster of the monologues i just wish i didn't have to put my self out there to get knocked down again. But hey... if this is my career choice i better get used to it.

check them out :)
Alison Monologue 
Phebe Monologue

Saturday 6 November 2010

Silly girl. Got all stupid. Here are things that make me happy.